Framon Mfg. Paracentric Key Duplicator (.066 Thick Cutter)

SKU # FR/JD-12-A1

The JD-12 is designed exclusively for detention keys such as mogul & paracentric. Designed on the same principals as other Framon key machines, the JD-12 incorporates cnc-grade linear ball bearings on both the X & Y axis, as well as hardened rods.

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This gives the machine an extremely smooth motion & allows precise user control. A control lever is mounted on the left side of the machine to control carriage movement. An interchangeable guide allows the machine to be converted from cutting paracentric-style keys to cutting mogul keys. All cutting wheels for the machine are made of solid carbide. Changing the machine over from paracentric to mogul takes approximately one minute. The JD-12 is preset at the factory to cut paracentric keys; the mogul kit (part number JD-12MK) is available separately. The JD-12 is the first Framon key machine to show off a new powder-coated finish on the guards. The powder coating provides for a longer, heartier finish on the guards. If you are a locksmith involved in cutting detention keys, consider the Framon JD-12. The machine is another example of Framon's dedication to precision, durability, and accuracy that we have been known for over the past 35 years.



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