Southern Folger

Southern Folger
Southern Folger Detention Equipment Company is synonymous with excellence and quality in product design, materials, and craftsmanship, as well as facility construction, service, repair and retrofit.
With the knowledge of centuries of detention experience, today Southern Folger's operating divisions provide a single, integrated solution for this unique correctional environment by offering high security products combined with services specialized for the unique correctional environment: Security electronics integration, new construction, preventive maintenance, retrofit and upgrades to existing equipment, service and repair, and customized training programs.
Our product offering is broad and includes the industries best from:
- Folger Adams
- Southern Steel
- Retro Locks
- Southern Folger
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Southern Folger Products Available!
Interested in Southern Folger’s Detention Security Solutions?
Craftmaster Hardware is a leading supplier of Southern Folger security products. We can deliver on any one of their sophisticated and high quality solutions. Need a consult? Craftmaster will spend the time necessary to specify the right product for the right application for your specific need. We can also facilitate a trusted Southern Folger security advisor and help you with securing your entire detention facility.
Call 800-221-3212 and discuss your security needs with a Craftmaster expert today.