Falcon/Doromatic Lightweight Door Closers

SKU # SC91

The Falcon SC91 Series Light Duty Lightweight Door Closers is designed for light-duty interior applications, it ensures smooth, reliable operation, while meeting ADA accessibilty requirements.

  • Closer mounts hinge side, top jamb or parallel arm when either the Rw/PA or Hw/PA arm is specified.
  • Fixed sizes 1, 3, & 4
  • Single piece cast aluminum body
  • Non-handed for left or right swinging doors
  • Separate adjustable general speed and latch speed
  • Universal screw pack
  • 10-year warranty
Pricing varies based on options selected below.



Designed for light-duty interior applications the Falcon SC90 closer ensures smooth, reliable operation, while meeting ADA accessibility requirements. The SC90 is backed by a ten-year warranty and is preset for easy installation. The Falcon SC90 Series is UL approved and compliant with the UL 10C and UBC 7-2 (1997) fire test. Additionally, the SC90 Series is designed to meet the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and ANSI A117.1. The SC90 Series is ANSI/BHMA A156.4, Grade 3 certified



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